Please remember, don’t water trees at or on the trunk of your trees, this will promote diseases. Please call us for a consultation!
Tree water requirements are different from the water requirements for the lawn. Always remove grass back away from the base of the tree 6-12 inches.
Flowers in your yard are beautiful, but do not plant flowers or apply mulch at the base of the trees. This will also promote disease.
Most problems occur from two things: too much water, or not enough water. Leaves turn brown and wilt when plants have too little and too much water. The biggest difference is too little water will result in the leaves feeling crispy when you hold them in your hand. Too much water and the leaves will feel soft and limp in your hand.
Check your plant or tree, regularly for insects. Treating an early infestation is easier and less expensive.
When treating preventatively it is less expensive in the long run.
Certain seasonal diseases require fall applications to correct or reduce symptoms of these diseases.